
Maybe it's just because he's been living with Sokia since practically the beginning of time, but Aren is one cool-headed melcey. Someone would really have to try to make him lose his temper. A bit of a stick in the mud, actually, if you ask around. Rational and relaxed, Aren prefers to spend his days reading the newspaper and drinking black tea to the adventuring and trouble-making that some his den mates aspire. Also, he's a stud muffin. See his family tree.

About fires, from Melcey Themes: "(patron elemental Moranerial, color red) The pups born with a fire theme are colored in the "hot" colors: red, yellow, purple, orange, warm blues. They specifically focus on the use of temperature, and are capable of creating and controlling flame. Associated strongly with Darkness."

name aren
species melcey
gender male
theme fire
id # p333m
litter # 46
parentage ralurai x flamerunner (of flying sparks)
pack oddling stars
mate vanishing horizons
offspring litter #? - bandil and oshuma
from Arborwin Adoptions / Faidia
