
Shajeira was the first Adult Fae Race and Champion Adult Fae Race winner. She was bought at Dragon Spyrit's Market, probably circa 2002.

Faequines are equines or equine-mixes. I loved these pets and got a lot of them at Dragon Spyrit's Market, probably circa 2002.

From Belial Market Stall: "The large stallions reach about shoulder level on an average human, not quite large enough for an adult to ride, but maybe a child. Their name stems from their fae appearance and legends they tell, they are somewhat to the animal world what fairies and elves are to humans. Their hooves are always large and cloven and usually covered with bountiful feather."

name shajeira
species faequine
gender female
id # em4
traits three high socks, first fleabitten Earth
from Faequines
